A Great Place to Visit, an Even Better Place to Live
Strength in numbers, a voice for our community
Strength in numbers, a voice for our community
The Williston Park Civic Association sent out its first notice for dues renewal to its currently paid-up voting members for whom we have an email address on file. We will send postal mailings out to any members who only have postal addresses. However, we know that some of these messages have gone straight to people’s “spam folders”. Therefore, we are sending this message out via social media.
The dues have been reduced to a new low of $12 per voting member.
For all former members and anyone who might have an interest in supporting our organization, we are appealing on our website and Facebook page for your membership and support.
The membership application is attached to this message. For those who would like to support us but not become a voting member. We will be glad to accept all donations sent to the association PO Box 358 Williston Park NY 11596-0358.
Dues and contributions can also be sent in via “PayPal”. For anyone paying dues by this method we need an additional $1.50 to cover a processing fee PayPal charges us.
We are planning a “social luncheon” event similar to what we did prior to the pandemic. This will be our annual meeting and kick off of the revitalized association. If you can help us with this endeavor please contact us at 516 345 0650 or email info@willistonparkcivic.org
To continue our program going forward, this organization needs new leadership and members. Please consider providing your talents to this organization.
If you know anyone else who might be interested in joining, please link them to our page or forward them our information.
Best Wishes for the New Year,
Bob Mitchell
Various stages of Water Tower constructions photo credit Bob Johnston
Association President Robert J (Bob) Mitchell
First Vice President: Theresa Hornberger
Treasurer: Bernadette Umbach